Sunday, January 9, 2011

Elton John - Sorry Seems To Be The Hardest Word - 1976

Today's training ride featured a number of Elton John songs and this one kind of stuck with me.

Saturday, January 8, 2011

The Week That Was

Well, I am not fully up to speed yet with ride by ride updates, but here is a bit of sample from the week that was.

John Brain, aka Mr Fluffy, and I decided that this was the week we would start night riding in earnest. So, Monday was the day. At 6pm, we rolled from my house and out we went went into the darkness. Ok, it wasn't really dark because we had Cygolite's LED lights to show us the way.

Wow, we had a great 35 mile ride. Apparently, with all the microclimates in the Tri Valley the temperature for a good portion of the ride was 33 degrees. Now, I was attired in my usual windstopper gear and Thermafleece arm warmers and felt pretty comfortable (ok, cool, but not undoable). However, I have no shoe covers and my feet were cold, cold, cold. I think they finally thawed about 11pm that night.

Tuesday brought another day on the dreaded Cycleops, aka Mephistopheles. I am pretty sure I hate that contraption. Still, we may finally be coming to some sort of armistice. I say this because an hour now goes by relatively smoothly with only a smattering of complaints from me.

Wednesday, I had another go outdoors this time with William Wang and Brett Illers. The temps were a bit warmer and this was the first time we had ridden together in awhile. It was good to see them both. I am glad they didn't just leave me behind. Of course, it helped that I made up the route and parsed the directions sparingly...just in case. :)

Thursday and Friday of this week turned into rest days with a TNT Info meeting the first day and long work day the next. Saturday and Sunday should be fun. Now, the question....where to ride? Oh, who cares, just get on the bike and ride.

Go Team!

Sunday, January 2, 2011

Hammers and Nails

Well, sometimes you're the hammer and other times you're the nail. Today the Cycleops did all the hammering and I just sat there and took it. The good news is that the work is done. I also mounted my new light and night riding can commence immediately. I look forward enjoying a ride tomorrow.

We had our Death Ride coaches meeting today and we are all excited for the season to get underway. It should be a ton of hard work in the saddle, but also a great deal of fun with many new friends in the service of a great cause.

One more thing, tomorrow I get to order my new Trek Project One. Now where all the money will come from is a completely different story. I suppose I will need a second (and third) job Well, enough for now, I need to get cleaned up for the early siren call of work tomorrow.

Go Team!!!!