Well, yesterday was Coach Steve Asche's 'Buddy Ride'. Team Rawhide, coached by Cliff, decided to ride together and we had a great time. At 7:30 we all rolled out for a ride front-loaded with a significant amount of climbing. The group started in their usual spirited fashion and maintained their wonderful spirit throughout the entire day... even when the temps got warm and everyone was a bit tired.
The whole team looked great climbing and sounded good singing even if we still haven't got the words down to either "Rawhide", our theme song, or Cliff's much improved 'cycling' version. Throughout the ride we continued to re-group and even made stops to take pictures from some of the beautiful vistas the ride offered. We even enlisted a couple of Harley riders to take a team photo for the day's participants.
With the climbing done, we headed to Starbucks for a final bathroom break and then rolled from Orinda back to Dublin. It was quite a day in the saddle and I think everyone was pretty happy to make it back to the cars safe in the knowledge that they had mastered another challenging day on the bike.
On a personal ride note for the day, I felt good on all the climbs and didn't feel any of the calf discomfort from the day before; however, I do feel a bit over-trained. I think this may stem from the big efforts I have been expending to keep up with the Thursday Valley Spokesman T 'n T rides. I may have to either back off the fast-pace or switch to the Tuesday version to save myself for the longer rides. I will also need to do better on hydration. I am still not drinking enough despite reminding others to drink and drinking frequently. I guess the hot weather is now here and I need to heed its call since I really should not be drinking a gallon of fluids after a ride to feel quenched.
The first photo is of our guest, Emily, surveying the work we had done to get to the steam trains. The second photo is of the entire group.
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