Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Why Bother....?

Well, John and drove up to Tahoe in preparation for the 2009 Death Ride today. The trip was uneventful except for Alex's cousin Abby not being able to direct us around her own town (which was really funny).

On arrival, we decided to take a prep ride before the Death Ride the next morning. So, I figured we would challenge ourselves to go down the street to the stop sign and then turn around. Since this 400 yard jaunt seemed pretty short we turned around and rode up the street until the gradient hit about 2% and then retreated to the house to carbo load. The total ride distance probably didn't exceeed 1000 yars.

What a riot...

The photo was taken at 4:45 in Woodfords prior the start of the Death Ride.

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